我们拥有丰富经验打造自我版权的医学图库,已为多家国内外医药公司、医学教育机构、大型医院、图片素材网站供应专业医学插画素材及3D 可视化内容!
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请收藏关注下我这个 B 站视频频道,能看到我每周不断更新的科研绘图、生物医学科学可视化的内容,不限于矢量图、3D、动画、国外大神访谈、教程等。



我的兴趣爱好是多个学科相互交叉,强大的医学教育背景(本科毕业于华中科技大学同济医学院,骨科硕士)、从小就打好的美术绘画技能(湖北美术学院进修)、对计算机辅助多媒体技术的熟练掌握(Photoshop、Illustrator、Freehand、Flash、SAI、3dsMax、Cinema 4D、Silo 3D、Rhino 3D、Zbrush、Mudbox、Unity 3D、After Effects、Premiere, Vegas、Python、PHP、Actionscript、Javascript、HTML、XML、CSS)可以让我在丰富多彩的世界里如鱼得水,用自己的最优秀的本领,为您提供高质素的医学生物绘图、插画、动画、设计、出版、策划服务。


Welcome to my own blog about medical and biological scientific fine arts and multimedia.

It’s the most intriguing thing that my favors are crossed between multiple fields of Science and Arts. As I have Master Degree for Surgery and medical education experience (Tongji Medical College, HUST), solid drawing and illustrating skills since my childhood and ever studied in the Fine Arts College in Hubei, proficiency in computer technology for design, illustration, animation, 3D and programming, I have ability to swimming in this colorful world like a fish. It’s a gift for me that I can provide high quality service for you in medical and biological illustration, 2D or 3D animation, 3D modelling and texture, design, publication, post-production, advertising scheme etc.



Hay! I’m freelancer Peng localized in Shengzhen, Guandong Pro. of China. I have experience of over 5 years for online outsourcing market. Here’s also a team of excellent designers and programmers who are all do their favor to the projects outsourced from all over the world.

We are hoenest and cooperative to every client, with nice communication skills to promise each project’s successul result and dilivery in schedule.

You can see our skills into design and programming fields below:
  • Flash动画及设计外包服务 – Flash Animation

    2D Animations: Such as Flash Web site intros, landing pages, Flash web site Banners, Comic and Cartoon based on stories, etc. Software used: Adobe Flash, After Effects
  • Flash网站交互、Flex、AIR交互App外包服务 – Flash Site & Flex & AIR application

    We do desktop applications or website widgets according to the clients’ imagination and description, versatile enough to build Games, Players, Galleries, Calculators, Flipping magzines, Interactive Maps, Slideshows, 3d Engined displays, multimedia presentations. Software used: Adobe Flash, Flex, AIR
  • 网站设计与建设外包服务 – Web Design

    We do structured Web sites with knowledge of web design. Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash
  • 出版印刷版面设计外包服务 – Layout Design

    We focus heavily on the relationship between the text, images and message of the overall piece. We Work in a print media focused environment. Software used: Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Indesign
  • 公司标徽设计外包服务 – Logo Design

    We do Logo by hand drawn or with a computer platform, our creative designers will create logos for companies and helps them create a specific and distinguishable brand for their company. Software used: Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Flash
  • 绘画插图外包服务 – Illustration

    We conceptualize and create hand drawn graphics as well as digitally created graphics. Vector or raster formats could be well produced. Software used: Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, Painter, CorelDraw, Flash
  • 视频音频非线性编辑外包服务 – Nonlinear video editing

    Our nonlinear Editors will provide high-quality post-production editing on a desktop computer. We can deliver the video for electronic publishing on CDs, DVDs or the Web. After editing, the digital output is converted to any of several digital video formats. Software used: Video Edition: Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Edius Audio Edition: Adobe Audition, Sound Forge, Goldwave
  • 三维建模、雕刻、动画、渲染外包服务 – 3D

    We turn the 2D design to 3D models and animations, such as Website mascott character, Architecture modelling and industrial renderring, 3d animation movies, Game characters modelling and rigging, texture drawing, CAD design to realistic 3d Scenes, Sketchup construction and displaying. Software used: 3dsmax, Rhinoceros, Maya, Silo, Swift3D, C4D, Lightwave
  • GIF动态图设计外包服务 – GIF Animation

    We do frame by frame GIF stuffs for Website banners, Mascott, Product displaying. Software used: Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Ulead GIF Animator
  • 网站多语言本地化翻译外包服务 – Translation and Website Localization

    We excute manual translation preventing machine work, no matter the words in text, graphic, scripts, videos, flash, we can make them perfect tranlation. In languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Japanese

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  • 孙文文




  • 小曾




  • wenni




    • medicaldupeng




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